OMFG. Here I was walking home from choir and I met this guy. Well he is a stranger. But at the starting he just as me where block 150 is? As I am new I don't really know either. But suddenly he just say thanks and shake my hand. Then not only that he ask me if I am scared of cats when we saw one. Mega LOL.... What the Hell he is really freaky. Then he ask if I am a Chinese. He thinks I am a Malay, Eurasian mixed. Well weird for a stranger to ask. Not that no one ask. I mean they will like say behind my back, 'Hey that malay girl can speak chinese' Anyway, he freaked me when suddenly he patted my back. Great I thought I will be raped anytime. SO I just walked quickly to the lift. Then he followed me. I was like really freak if he go into the lift with me. But he just stood outside. AND he ask me my name. Guess what name I gave? Lee Shu FU. I can't think of any name to give, so the first thing I thought and then say was SHU FU. Weird name maybe I was thinking of Tou Fu.... Well he ask me where I studied I said Queenstown. -.- BIG LOL. It is really freaky. I was like thinking... 'what will he do to me?' 'Is he a lunatic?' 'blablahblah.. I was like really shocked today when Andrea say she did erm.... oral sex with her boyfriend, Evan. And not only that erm well she dreamt of a BDSM dream with Evan??? CAn that be any grosssss~ Well I will never loss my virginity that young. But she seems more than eager to get married and you know.... S.E.X.... And you know when she told me told me that I was actually watching Decomposition Beauty and.. man was Aoi's scream damn nice man. It was good. He is a really sexy screamer and guitarist. Well I don't know if this is true but Khia lynn say he is married.... SHIT. I like love him a lot lor. Well I also admire him. He rmind me greatly of Miyavi. AND he also have anger management
problems. SO I will catch him in South-East asia like never. First to Germany but never to any near SEA. Like NLSG and MRD and PWB are only in Japan and so on. Never in the life of me will they Sinhgapore. SO pissed. I hope they will hold a PScompany tour again. I would really hope soo~. IMAGINE all of them reunited. Miyavi and AOI!!!!

07 December 2007
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