I was like so pissed with Yoshiki
He actually broke a brand new drum set
It totally broke the image of a rocker
He is like on some drugs
And it truly makes me shudder
I mean no one should break their drums
And to be honest S.K.I.N concert is not really nice
Unlike the other band that I have seen
They like do not have the bonding, kizuna
Unlike The GazettE, Alice nine, Kra and SID
That is what they lack....after all they are all soloist
For a pretty long time
I would not be surprise if Miyavi has forgotten about Due le Quartz
Or Gackt has forgotten his time in Malice Mizer
Or Yoshiki has to X Japan and Sugizo to Luna Sea
Maybe it was because I was not use to this....
Kind of *too wild* Rock Concert
But whatever it is I will feel really uncomfortable if i attended
Partly because I hate it when violence took place,
And because I am looking at someone who seriously
Looked like he ate a packet of drugs...or something
I was also really mad at Yoshiki
Because just his action has brought a bad reputation To ROCK genre
People may use him and judge that rock is not a good thing
Because I myself was shocked....
If I ever want to be a rockstar....
I will never learn from them....I will probably learn from Mayday
Afterall they were the one who taught me rock is a....
Form of expression Not a form of violence
I will learn from Alice Nine, Kra and Uverworld for lyrics
The GazettE and SID for visual style
Kaya, 12012 and antic cafe for fashion style
I will not and never touch anything that
Relates me to touch anything harmful
Causing to lose the trust of my fans
I will............................................
Lead my fans to a good path
Become one with my members and fans
This is what a good rocker is....
Some times I will add a few songs that was inspired from My feelings
That is all .... NO DRUGS MAN
Yoshiki, you are going nuts...X japan *shudder*
Now I have doubts weather Hide-san did sucidal
He creepy person bash his drum set
Better make sure Kai and Nao does not....
Bash drums ....Or I will so be out of Jrock

27 November 2007
Budget Terminal
Well today was a day of fun 
I went out with my uncle and aunts
My cousin came along
We went to Terminal Three, Budget Terminal
It was erm.... really new
Well not many things lar. All too new.
We started the day with a breakfast at....
East Coast Park Burger King
And it is really fun... watching the sea while eating
Then we headed to Terminal Three
It was really nice....very new
Kinda of like Korea airport
Then we went to the older Terminal
Then at Terminal one
Yuping (cousin) say that there was a really .....
Nostalgic place
Yea it truely was
When I was young
My whole family, uncle, aunts and cousin
My whole family, uncle, aunts and cousin
Would head there for Swensens ice-cream
And it was the sweetest gathering we had
Both of us really missed it...
The place changed and swensen is now
Next to the Arrival hall
There is one too at Terminal Three
Well it is really fun.... Yar cheese!!!
Man...I really miss this happy girl
Well after that we head to Mellina Walk, Suntec City
(dont' know how to spell)

Well That all *smile*
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