I can't wait for the PSC10th annivasary peace and smile carnival 2009. The opening acts includes SCrEW and SuG wow kool man. I like their new song and mv UMBILICAL. They are more to the OSHARE kei and they are really cute:) Takeru, their vocalist really remind me of miku from Antique cafe...fuse with a bit of craziness from Miyavi= TAKERU {HA.HA.HA.H.A}
The most anticipated performace in the carnival would be THE GAZETTE!!! My friend is a huge fan of them especially RUKIo.0 In my opinion Ruki *THE vocal SATAN* is really freaky. Many say he is charismatic, but well he just scares me. Not the spooky scare but the feeling that he can see right through you. Especially those photoshoots, he look ready to pierce the camera len, he look fierce too. And the seductiveness he like to portray in his photos just make me shiver...HOW CAN ANYONE DO SUCH THINGS EASILY IN THE PUBLIC? No offense you are a good vocalist but maybe you should lessen it, it just make girls like me jealous and I don't like that felling:( When I saw his maggie mee hairstyle on Leech PV, I was thinking man this world is filled with ironies. My hair was like his hair, only it is natural. I was born with stubborn frizz hair, that make me look like a black, or malay, NEVER A GODDAMN ORIENTAL CHINESE.

I found these really nice pictures of the peace and smile company family.

All the vocalist at the left picture [from left: alice nine SHOU, The gazettE RUKI, Kaggra ISSHI, Kra KEIYUU, MIYAVI] My favourite vocalist is Shou from alice nine. When he sang blue planet, I was more attracted to his voice then the song. And he have a really friendly look *like me*. Listen to Alice Nine new song THE BEAUTIFUL NAME composed by their drummer/leader NAO. Oh and one thing that I like about shou-san, his hand gestures on stage. It is one of the kind, unique and something only he can pull of himself. His body gesture is the easiest way to make out the flow of the music. However sometime it is too overly exaggerated.
Need to go help my gran to clean the kitchen ...