Yes people the moment you have anticipate for a long time:) THE GAZETTE MAKE PUBLIC APPEARANCE FOR THEIR SINGLES 'DISTRESS AND COMA'. Held on April 2 with a massive capacity of 1500 people yes, GOOD BRAVO. The [2009.01.03 Peace & Smile Carnival] is out already check it out on YOUTUBE
It is beautiful AND explosive. Ruki seriously must cut down on his smoking habit, it will spoil his singing before he even die.
Something good happen to day MUSHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I threw the cockroach into the sanitary pad dustbin. Watched the Gazette RCE again and must say they are way better then Fall Out Boys in Indoor National Stadium, BUT worth it:) SHIBUYA AX - TH GAZETTE NAUSEA AND SHUDDER.
There is something I want to tell a certain person. It is very unusual for me to interfere with other people's affair and it is most unlike me to criticize someone, especially someone close to me. I am greatly disappointed in her actions and her lack in sensitivity towards her victim. I thought of her as a seemingly appealing girl when I first met her, however her arrogance put off a few of my friends. Still I insisted that she is a girl whose interest is focused more on her friends and social life, and therefore continued to try accepting her.
However this year, her behaviour has been atrocious, especially recently, paying people to play pranks, causing grieve to her friend. What have the POOR GIRL done to YOU? BACKSTABBED? TALKING BEHIND HER BACK? She merely just wanted to make friends, unfortunately with the wrong method.
I hope YOU will reflect YOUR actions properly. Because there is no reason YOU should do such mean things to a harmless person. Think about it, if you were merely trying to make friends and someone instead of making friends with you,not only ignored you, resolved to underhand and cowardly actions to physically or mentally hurt you, is PLAIN DISGUSTING!!!

31 March 2009
27 March 2009
Well well well 72th POSITION!!! I improved by two position :P Last year 74TH or 76TH hahaha
Walked all the way from starting point to ending point with Clarabelle and Jia Min. Thanks GUYS company me all the way.

My Good pal cum enemy.
He won Juaniter man. Good job girlfriend:D
After that, when to Jurong Point and eat with SiXian, Jaslin and Juaniter :D LOLX Watched this support 'ACTIONED-PACKED' It is quite boring la. Like V-cinema shows. But the fighting scene damn nice. I spot a few notorious Street Fighter fighting strategies and technique. But CHUN-LI don't look like the Chun-Li we all see in the game. No unproportional thigh, lack of boob job. The actress look english somemore, cannot speak chinese. TSK, regretted not watching hotel for dogs or departure:(

We started to make a nuisance in the cinema, crunching popcorn, stick out legs, fall asleep, scream AND Hand Flapper. Ok la quite fun, as long is watch with friends, also nice la.
Now at my new home, Thomson View. Super empty, ceiling to high and kitchen TOO SMALL. The toilet is leaking and the sofa creaks. It is too quiet and too big. NOT USED... I will stick to freeloading at my aunt's house, at least there is a nice homey kitchen to slack in:P I wonder if they find out about the MARS Meiji wrapper under the sofa? OHMG, I forget to put my clothes in the 'BIN' O.O

They look so cool and this is how a Visual Kei flamboyant costume is designed:O

This is Alzhemier13's first draft then she took a simple pix of the design and actually HANDMADE THE WHOLE COSTUME. you are the best man
Walked all the way from starting point to ending point with Clarabelle and Jia Min. Thanks GUYS company me all the way.
My Good pal cum enemy.
He won Juaniter man. Good job girlfriend:D
After that, when to Jurong Point and eat with SiXian, Jaslin and Juaniter :D LOLX Watched this support 'ACTIONED-PACKED' It is quite boring la. Like V-cinema shows. But the fighting scene damn nice. I spot a few notorious Street Fighter fighting strategies and technique. But CHUN-LI don't look like the Chun-Li we all see in the game. No unproportional thigh, lack of boob job. The actress look english somemore, cannot speak chinese. TSK, regretted not watching hotel for dogs or departure:(

We started to make a nuisance in the cinema, crunching popcorn, stick out legs, fall asleep, scream AND Hand Flapper. Ok la quite fun, as long is watch with friends, also nice la.
Now at my new home, Thomson View. Super empty, ceiling to high and kitchen TOO SMALL. The toilet is leaking and the sofa creaks. It is too quiet and too big. NOT USED... I will stick to freeloading at my aunt's house, at least there is a nice homey kitchen to slack in:P I wonder if they find out about the MARS Meiji wrapper under the sofa? OHMG, I forget to put my clothes in the 'BIN' O.O

They look so cool and this is how a Visual Kei flamboyant costume is designed:O
This is Alzhemier13's first draft then she took a simple pix of the design and actually HANDMADE THE WHOLE COSTUME. you are the best man
22 March 2009
O.M.G OH MANIAC GIGOLOS... MY freedom is like a dream, Sign... I left a few more hours and I have not finish any homework yet.:P Who cares? Sleep is redundant, anyway there is Mr Teo's class for nappys:D haha.
Two days ago, I was confused by a puzzling event. Why can't human work in peace with EVERY other human? Choir to me is like eating to stay a life. Choir, choir... I cried for choir, I laugh with choir, I got angry with and for choir. Choir, Choir, Choir it is all about choir. What makes me so commited to choir, is that it is so closely related to my hobbies, music. Any kind of music intrigues me. But on Friday I was shock, such beautiful innocent passion for music leads to a series of agonizing events. CLASHES OF EMOTIONS. A persistent stand from both party, leading to a tense atmosphere, where inspirations dissipates, where trusts are questioned.
All I want To say to both parties, that Choir is a teamwork. Teamwork is not something we can say easily! PUT YOUR MOUTH IN YOUR HANDS. Every choir member if you see this, please know that your actions determine the status of our choir. It is up to you to get choir to a higher level or to slide down below the curbs. AND THIS REQUIRE TEAMSWORK. IF YOU THINK CHOIR IS NOT DOING WELL, EXPRESS YOUR OPINION TOGETHER, WORK IT OUT TOGETHER! EVERY CHOIR MEMBER PLEASE REMEMBER: CHOIR IS NOT A ONE-MAN SHOW!
There is in no amount of effort, an individual is able to move choir higher, so please if you love choir, if you care for Choir bury the hachet, lower down your pride and work hard together. People say I am always cheerful, it is not born in me, I too learn through the hard way to accept anyone, everyone. No one is perfect, There are flaws in everyone:P
Two days ago, I was confused by a puzzling event. Why can't human work in peace with EVERY other human? Choir to me is like eating to stay a life. Choir, choir... I cried for choir, I laugh with choir, I got angry with and for choir. Choir, Choir, Choir it is all about choir. What makes me so commited to choir, is that it is so closely related to my hobbies, music. Any kind of music intrigues me. But on Friday I was shock, such beautiful innocent passion for music leads to a series of agonizing events. CLASHES OF EMOTIONS. A persistent stand from both party, leading to a tense atmosphere, where inspirations dissipates, where trusts are questioned.
All I want To say to both parties, that Choir is a teamwork. Teamwork is not something we can say easily! PUT YOUR MOUTH IN YOUR HANDS. Every choir member if you see this, please know that your actions determine the status of our choir. It is up to you to get choir to a higher level or to slide down below the curbs. AND THIS REQUIRE TEAMSWORK. IF YOU THINK CHOIR IS NOT DOING WELL, EXPRESS YOUR OPINION TOGETHER, WORK IT OUT TOGETHER! EVERY CHOIR MEMBER PLEASE REMEMBER: CHOIR IS NOT A ONE-MAN SHOW!
There is in no amount of effort, an individual is able to move choir higher, so please if you love choir, if you care for Choir bury the hachet, lower down your pride and work hard together. People say I am always cheerful, it is not born in me, I too learn through the hard way to accept anyone, everyone. No one is perfect, There are flaws in everyone:P
19 March 2009
YEA super junior is back with their new album yea. AND THEY ARE MATURED AND SEXIER. Their new song is EUREKA! SORRY SORRY- Super Junior
-I like their Jodhpur suit pants >.<
-They include in their cheorography, Bi Rain, SHINee and Michael Jackson O.O
-I like the catchy tune
-I like their Jodhpur suit pants >.<
-They include in their cheorography, Bi Rain, SHINee and Michael Jackson O.O
-I like the catchy tune
Ghost and vampires
Ok people this post is going to look very gruesome so don't read this article if you are not up to it
Well to horror-movie goers have fun catching The Grudge third instalment>.<>.<
So here goes; people nowdays are having more favourism in Ghost, Vampires and Werewolves. However this is due to the influence of the media. Twilight everyone's favourite VAMP BOY, Edward Cullen has change modern people's preception of vampire as a man of good, discipline and beauty. Yes, in a way Vampires are smart, however they are too smart to our disadvantage. Also vampires are not good creatures, IN FACT I do not even believe there is such a creature. If I am not wrong mystical creatures are created in the olden days to scare young children, to make sure they behave, to make sure they come back before the sun sets or the 'VAMPIRE will look for them'
A more reliable source has pictures a vampire to look like this:
Ok sorry to disappoint you guys but ya actually they look like this. Personally I like them a lot too, but they are after all a different creature from us. So please leave them alone don't create a fuss of unravelling them, looking for them. They have their reason for hiding away from the human race. So to reduce their pain, stop temptimg them.
I am very scared of ghost. Ghost in those horror movie. However does a spirit really look like this? I don't think so, in fact I hoped not I don't want to look so ugly when I die haha. Spirits in my opinion should look happy, innocent and carefree, flowing with the wind, dressed in white flowry dress, for the man maybe a white shirt with cotton capri pants.
But again the media made a misconception in our minds making us thing that ghost look like this:
Well to horror-movie goers have fun catching The Grudge third instalment>.<>.<
17 March 2009 mommy
Yesterday was my mother's birthday. Sorry mum I nearly forget about it:D But all I want to say is love you MUAKS* MUAKS*
Two things I did to day:
- Went out with JS :D
- Went out with JS :D
It was the best MUHAHAHA. *.* We went to the arcade. And ok today I accidentally come across a very highly confidential blog in the world, JM's blog O.M.G (for those who know). UNBELIEVABLE He have somebody he like and I thought he is HOMO!!! @.@ The girl is XM, LOL what the fuck la.... I was utterly stunned. Is she a nerd or wart??? Anyway today spent nearly $30 bucks on arcade game HAIZ... But worth it.
Xians seems like everyone near me has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, NEVER MIND MUSIC IS MY SOULMATE. Created a small part of melody today NO RIFFS NO SCRATCH just pure harmony cords MUAHAHA inspired by THE BEATLES :D But use different pluck methods and rythem...
The GazettE Distress and Coma music video come out already YEA JIAYOU GAZETTO. Today in a pretty relax mood, Nothing depressing to write about. Oh I saw Plain White T's album, feel like buying, now my list is like this:
- The GazettE, DIstress and Coma [ Optical impression] $33+
- Super Junior, Comeback 3rd Album $39+
- Sodagreen, XIAO JU DAN Concert DVD $46+
- Guns and Roses, Chinese Democarcy CD + Mercahandise $79.60
- Coldplay, Viva La Vida $14.95
- Plain white Ts, Second album $12+
My piority is THE GAZETTE :D
Two things I did to day:
- Went out with JS :D
- Went out with JS :D
It was the best MUHAHAHA. *.* We went to the arcade. And ok today I accidentally come across a very highly confidential blog in the world, JM's blog O.M.G (for those who know). UNBELIEVABLE He have somebody he like and I thought he is HOMO!!! @.@ The girl is XM, LOL what the fuck la.... I was utterly stunned. Is she a nerd or wart??? Anyway today spent nearly $30 bucks on arcade game HAIZ... But worth it.
Xians seems like everyone near me has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, NEVER MIND MUSIC IS MY SOULMATE. Created a small part of melody today NO RIFFS NO SCRATCH just pure harmony cords MUAHAHA inspired by THE BEATLES :D But use different pluck methods and rythem...
The GazettE Distress and Coma music video come out already YEA JIAYOU GAZETTO. Today in a pretty relax mood, Nothing depressing to write about. Oh I saw Plain White T's album, feel like buying, now my list is like this:
- The GazettE, DIstress and Coma [ Optical impression] $33+
- Super Junior, Comeback 3rd Album $39+
- Sodagreen, XIAO JU DAN Concert DVD $46+
- Guns and Roses, Chinese Democarcy CD + Mercahandise $79.60
- Coldplay, Viva La Vida $14.95
- Plain white Ts, Second album $12+
My piority is THE GAZETTE :D
14 March 2009
To my loves and humans on Earth
Sorry for writing such depressing stuff. I would prefer to refer my past posts as touching. Depressed is a perception one gives, it is more opinion-oriented :) The pass few post are true events that happen in my life. It is not depressing to me, like I said there is no time for pessimism in this racing-for-time society. Time is precious, we must treasure. We make the best out of every minute. IF we have 12 homework and 2 test we make the best out of it by incentives, motivations and reassurance.
It is not an easy task to always look on a bright side of life. However think of it this way, start by giving yourself a pat on the shoulder whenever you thought of positive things. To me being happy everyday is a great victory towards life. We study hard to hope for a better or extravagance life in the future.
We spent half of our life slogging to rest for the later half, then there is commitments, to family, to work, then people when is the time you rest? When is the time you felt true happiness, among your books, chemistry, physics or biology?
What I want to say is, it is only right to work hard to attain your goals, but don't forget the ultimate goal, to lead a meaningful life.
Here is a song for people who are down:)
Jason Mraz - Im Yours
I had post this before. I love it, one of the best performance ever I listen to this when I was down it cheers me up a lot:P THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO FEEL HAPPY WHEN THEY ARE DOWN
Plastic Tree - Spica
I cried when I heard this song. I was choking painfully. I had a bad day when I heard this song, I started breaking down. I felt the song was able to relate to my turbulent feelings. So when the song came to its climax, I too let out all my feelings. Very nice song, beautiful and sweet. If you are really stress up PLEASE LISTEN just let all your feelings out with it:) I assure you on a first-hand experience you will feel better
It is not an easy task to always look on a bright side of life. However think of it this way, start by giving yourself a pat on the shoulder whenever you thought of positive things. To me being happy everyday is a great victory towards life. We study hard to hope for a better or extravagance life in the future.
We spent half of our life slogging to rest for the later half, then there is commitments, to family, to work, then people when is the time you rest? When is the time you felt true happiness, among your books, chemistry, physics or biology?
What I want to say is, it is only right to work hard to attain your goals, but don't forget the ultimate goal, to lead a meaningful life.
Here is a song for people who are down:)
Jason Mraz - Im Yours
I had post this before. I love it, one of the best performance ever I listen to this when I was down it cheers me up a lot:P THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO FEEL HAPPY WHEN THEY ARE DOWN
Plastic Tree - Spica
I cried when I heard this song. I was choking painfully. I had a bad day when I heard this song, I started breaking down. I felt the song was able to relate to my turbulent feelings. So when the song came to its climax, I too let out all my feelings. Very nice song, beautiful and sweet. If you are really stress up PLEASE LISTEN just let all your feelings out with it:) I assure you on a first-hand experience you will feel better
Time, time, time, has not scared me yet
I am racing against time. day after day it will lurk behind me, catch me off guard and swing me into a frenzy state.
' We can never buy time' So true, too true :(
Time make me anticipate, make me long
Time make me miss, make me pissed
Impatient, as seconds fly
Unwilling to make things history
Time create memories, sad and beautiful
Time so scarce, with care
Shape me into a human, that I plan to be...
Today went to IT fair to by mini notebook for aunt:( Boring. Walk till my leg super pain. I regreted wearing my flats instead. Now my leg look like a cooked pig trotter. Went to Bugis after that and bought this nice black starry shirt and bambi t-shirt for 13 each :) HAPPINESS.
Timothy Treadwell is kidnapped by rabbit scientists, transformed into a bear, cloned, and then sent to a far away planet to fight an alien.
Music by James & the Rainbros
' We can never buy time' So true, too true :(
Time make me anticipate, make me long
Time make me miss, make me pissed
Impatient, as seconds fly
Unwilling to make things history
Time create memories, sad and beautiful
Time so scarce, with care
Shape me into a human, that I plan to be...
Today went to IT fair to by mini notebook for aunt:( Boring. Walk till my leg super pain. I regreted wearing my flats instead. Now my leg look like a cooked pig trotter. Went to Bugis after that and bought this nice black starry shirt and bambi t-shirt for 13 each :) HAPPINESS.
Timothy Treadwell is kidnapped by rabbit scientists, transformed into a bear, cloned, and then sent to a far away planet to fight an alien.
Music by James & the Rainbros
13 March 2009
When The Sun Sets, Another of My Life Began
In a blink of an eye, nine weeks has passed; two months and thirteen days; one term; a small chapter of life. Happiness, sadness, hope and anxiety we still have to hug all of these in our lives to travel this journey without an end.
I choose to take a slow steady stroll, to put on a smile. Life is too short for pessimism. We work hard to enjoy then we have to work again to enjoy a higher standard of relaxation. Can't we work hard while enjoying every ounce of effort we make?
Taking a rare flight, loving myself more, I’m watching my favourite view of life. Sunshine mist and the love I received. I face the sky and fly, singing the song I like, crying when I feel like it.
I saw a friend, a good friend whom I had left out in the past few months. It is not intentional, neither is it naturally. We could always choose to meet, but we never. Somehow a boundary, thin but dense, wrapped him from me. I choked on my thoughts as my mind rambles through bits and pieces of memories, vivid yet vague, happy yet sad, beautiful and lonely, like how I felt when I saw him.
I tried to persuade myself he was still the same old him, just in a different uniform, but the path is apart, one at Henderson and another at Bukit Timah. I am sorry but we will continue thinking of you, missing you and anticipate you. Friendship never dies. When there is a day I will die slowly I will think of my parents then you.
Friends are the nutrients for life, family love water my soul. Togther they make me a human. Are we humans or are we dancers, my life is vital but my hands are cold and I am on my knees looking for the answer are we humans are we dancers, when my frieds are gone
A toast to friends. BANZAI

If there is a chance to be reborn, I hope to be friends again. Not brothers, not sister, just pure good friends, just to satisfy my nostalgic yearnings :P
I choose to take a slow steady stroll, to put on a smile. Life is too short for pessimism. We work hard to enjoy then we have to work again to enjoy a higher standard of relaxation. Can't we work hard while enjoying every ounce of effort we make?
Taking a rare flight, loving myself more, I’m watching my favourite view of life. Sunshine mist and the love I received. I face the sky and fly, singing the song I like, crying when I feel like it.
I saw a friend, a good friend whom I had left out in the past few months. It is not intentional, neither is it naturally. We could always choose to meet, but we never. Somehow a boundary, thin but dense, wrapped him from me. I choked on my thoughts as my mind rambles through bits and pieces of memories, vivid yet vague, happy yet sad, beautiful and lonely, like how I felt when I saw him.
I tried to persuade myself he was still the same old him, just in a different uniform, but the path is apart, one at Henderson and another at Bukit Timah. I am sorry but we will continue thinking of you, missing you and anticipate you. Friendship never dies. When there is a day I will die slowly I will think of my parents then you.
Friends are the nutrients for life, family love water my soul. Togther they make me a human. Are we humans or are we dancers, my life is vital but my hands are cold and I am on my knees looking for the answer are we humans are we dancers, when my frieds are gone
A toast to friends. BANZAI
If there is a chance to be reborn, I hope to be friends again. Not brothers, not sister, just pure good friends, just to satisfy my nostalgic yearnings :P
07 March 2009
CAUSE you are a bad girl
TODAY is A FUCKING DAY. I lost my EZ-link card o.0 So I could not go to school. TO HELL even to think of walking to school. SUCX COINcidence NO COINS. Yesterday should not have bought KIT-KAT...
Then in the afternoon went to meet ah ken:( nearly got whacked for saying something wrong again. Then the normal things happen...
- Go makan
- Laze around at scape park to wait for ANGIE
- GO Far East Plaza, look at my dream nike Nike Obama Series-023
- Then went to Liang Court and eat DON DON
WASTE MY EFF'ING money so expensive >.<>
Anyway BIG NEWS:
MR. Handsome LEE decided to give a surprise and announce we are moving to Thomson plaza opposite the Condominium :( NOT HAPPY
Then in the afternoon went to meet ah ken:( nearly got whacked for saying something wrong again. Then the normal things happen...
- Go makan
- Laze around at scape park to wait for ANGIE
- GO Far East Plaza, look at my dream nike Nike Obama Series-023
- Then went to Liang Court and eat DON DON
WASTE MY EFF'ING money so expensive >.<>
Anyway BIG NEWS:
MR. Handsome LEE decided to give a surprise and announce we are moving to Thomson plaza opposite the Condominium :( NOT HAPPY
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