31 October 2009

A Day in Paradise concert

This how the tickets look like. Collaborating with Queenstown, Clementitown, Yusof Ishak and Hai Sing Catholic School. It is an honour TRUELY. Come to think of it I feel quite proud of the final product of the ticket. It is our first time.

GINBAJODA.INC... it has been decided

GINBAJODA.INC will officially tak over this website hence there will be myself, Kry-syella, Rulee, LYNN and many others as authors. what will me talk about? Anything all you need to do is tag us:) we will set this blog as best as possible to cater you guys in the latest music, fashion and entertainment whatever. please out up with our private life yaddar yaddar... ok so this is all have to say OPENING DATE IS 16 NOVEMBER 2009

24 October 2009

23 October 2009

kry-syella comeback winter 2009

LOL okok. when was the last time i did a post july? june... whatever. Results were as per normal. PLAIN SUCK. haha, got a lecture from my oldie man.Hey what is wrong with triple science being poor in studies... a bit a bit...ironic. bet a couple of followers are missing me haha HI IM BACK FROM TEXTBOOK WAR.

Now life revolve around choir. Anxiety,excitement,BLAH RAH. Our very collaboration gig... sigh... it just feels good, but it do rock my socks if a couple of bands and dancers are added in, maybe a specail appearance form epik high to scratch their stuff.

Epik High - Wannabe, fabulous and creative. CATCHY ORIGINALS. in a new indie company MAP THE SOUL? Did i get that correct. Come on man check them out, you might be looking at the next Big Bang. They are crazy in lyrics, versatile. Their songs are real yet virtual, surreal infact.

LiFe is getting suck... suck suck. it cant be helped I guess I am a brooding, hormone raging tennager. it is a 365 days race, against something that i am losing interest in.

seriously thinking of dropping physics ...