Choir concert is coming really soon
It is really scary
All the songs are really erm....HIGH~
And there is so many songs to memorize
I mean how am I to memorize a french song
The pronounciation is so weird
Well talking about concerts
I saw Alice Nine Concert Hello Dear Numbers
It was really awwwesome
I mean I saw Saga licked his bass and it was HOT
Well Shou sang way better than during the PSC tour
And the funny thing
Nao FALLED!! during the Encore
Damn funny he tripped over the platform LOL
Well Nao drum solo was really good
But without the sound effect it would be excellent
I just saw Kai's solo and was really shocked
I was really good....better than Yasuno
But because of that I saw so many fangirls screaming
That made me mad because....
1) His mine so no one is to like him
2) He have so many fans *jealous*
3) They remind me of ..... me
And I just read a Fanfiction of AoixKai
I was completely flustered by it.
Well I had finished my Music Project on Alice Nine
Hope you all like it........

29 November 2007
27 November 2007
Shocked! Reputation of Jrock
I was like so pissed with Yoshiki
He actually broke a brand new drum set
It totally broke the image of a rocker
He is like on some drugs
And it truly makes me shudder
I mean no one should break their drums
And to be honest S.K.I.N concert is not really nice
Unlike the other band that I have seen
They like do not have the bonding, kizuna
Unlike The GazettE, Alice nine, Kra and SID
That is what they lack....after all they are all soloist
For a pretty long time
I would not be surprise if Miyavi has forgotten about Due le Quartz
Or Gackt has forgotten his time in Malice Mizer
Or Yoshiki has to X Japan and Sugizo to Luna Sea
Maybe it was because I was not use to this....
Kind of *too wild* Rock Concert
But whatever it is I will feel really uncomfortable if i attended
Partly because I hate it when violence took place,
And because I am looking at someone who seriously
Looked like he ate a packet of drugs...or something
I was also really mad at Yoshiki
Because just his action has brought a bad reputation To ROCK genre
People may use him and judge that rock is not a good thing
Because I myself was shocked....
If I ever want to be a rockstar....
I will never learn from them....I will probably learn from Mayday
Afterall they were the one who taught me rock is a....
Form of expression Not a form of violence
I will learn from Alice Nine, Kra and Uverworld for lyrics
The GazettE and SID for visual style
Kaya, 12012 and antic cafe for fashion style
I will not and never touch anything that
Relates me to touch anything harmful
Causing to lose the trust of my fans
I will............................................
Lead my fans to a good path
Become one with my members and fans
This is what a good rocker is....
Some times I will add a few songs that was inspired from My feelings
That is all .... NO DRUGS MAN
Yoshiki, you are going nuts...X japan *shudder*
Now I have doubts weather Hide-san did sucidal
He creepy person bash his drum set
Better make sure Kai and Nao does not....
Bash drums ....Or I will so be out of Jrock
He actually broke a brand new drum set
It totally broke the image of a rocker
He is like on some drugs
And it truly makes me shudder
I mean no one should break their drums
And to be honest S.K.I.N concert is not really nice
Unlike the other band that I have seen
They like do not have the bonding, kizuna
Unlike The GazettE, Alice nine, Kra and SID
That is what they lack....after all they are all soloist
For a pretty long time
I would not be surprise if Miyavi has forgotten about Due le Quartz
Or Gackt has forgotten his time in Malice Mizer
Or Yoshiki has to X Japan and Sugizo to Luna Sea
Maybe it was because I was not use to this....
Kind of *too wild* Rock Concert
But whatever it is I will feel really uncomfortable if i attended
Partly because I hate it when violence took place,
And because I am looking at someone who seriously
Looked like he ate a packet of drugs...or something
I was also really mad at Yoshiki
Because just his action has brought a bad reputation To ROCK genre
People may use him and judge that rock is not a good thing
Because I myself was shocked....
If I ever want to be a rockstar....
I will never learn from them....I will probably learn from Mayday
Afterall they were the one who taught me rock is a....
Form of expression Not a form of violence
I will learn from Alice Nine, Kra and Uverworld for lyrics
The GazettE and SID for visual style
Kaya, 12012 and antic cafe for fashion style
I will not and never touch anything that
Relates me to touch anything harmful
Causing to lose the trust of my fans
I will............................................
Lead my fans to a good path
Become one with my members and fans
This is what a good rocker is....
Some times I will add a few songs that was inspired from My feelings
That is all .... NO DRUGS MAN
Yoshiki, you are going nuts...X japan *shudder*
Now I have doubts weather Hide-san did sucidal
He creepy person bash his drum set
Better make sure Kai and Nao does not....
Bash drums ....Or I will so be out of Jrock
Budget Terminal
Well today was a day of fun 
I went out with my uncle and aunts
My cousin came along
We went to Terminal Three, Budget Terminal
It was erm.... really new
Well not many things lar. All too new.
We started the day with a breakfast at....
East Coast Park Burger King
And it is really fun... watching the sea while eating
Then we headed to Terminal Three
It was really nice....very new
Kinda of like Korea airport
Then we went to the older Terminal
Then at Terminal one
Yuping (cousin) say that there was a really .....
Nostalgic place
Yea it truely was
When I was young
My whole family, uncle, aunts and cousin
My whole family, uncle, aunts and cousin
Would head there for Swensens ice-cream
And it was the sweetest gathering we had
Both of us really missed it...
The place changed and swensen is now
Next to the Arrival hall
There is one too at Terminal Three
Well it is really fun.... Yar cheese!!!
Man...I really miss this happy girl
Well after that we head to Mellina Walk, Suntec City
(dont' know how to spell)

Well That all *smile*
26 November 2007
OMG! fight...
OMG!~ They fought o.0
The two always friendly and caring brothers fought
And GREAT! They fighting because of me...
That got me really pissed and disappointed
Yar I know they were really worried about me
But hey if you are then please leave alone
Because your fight has really jeopardized me
I really hate it when people fight
It really frightens me
It is just disgusting and horrifying
Especially it is people I know really well
And those people who are really nice and friendly
Well they were actually fighting over how to talk to me
How to understand me??
Well I dunno but i have this feeling they will never succeed
If my mum cant, could they?
The closest failed will the rest pass
They should just give up....
They should just let me figure the hard way
Like this no one is hurt
Not me, not them
So well .......................
I am darn freaking hecking
I sometimes feel really tired of this world...
The two always friendly and caring brothers fought
And GREAT! They fighting because of me...
That got me really pissed and disappointed
Yar I know they were really worried about me
But hey if you are then please leave alone
Because your fight has really jeopardized me
I really hate it when people fight
It really frightens me
It is just disgusting and horrifying
Especially it is people I know really well
And those people who are really nice and friendly
Well they were actually fighting over how to talk to me
How to understand me??
Well I dunno but i have this feeling they will never succeed
If my mum cant, could they?
The closest failed will the rest pass
They should just give up....
They should just let me figure the hard way
Like this no one is hurt
Not me, not them
So well .......................
I am darn freaking hecking
I sometimes feel really tired of this world...
25 November 2007
24 November 2007
Preparing to a journey to pilgrimage.... LOL well not really
I was just heading towards the temple at River Valley
Actually I kind of like going to the temple
Especially those really peaceful ones.
It makes me able to think. Sometimes I will think
'Hey life is not that messed up'
Well it won't last long. But it truely make my day....
Well yesterday 0.00am. Brother Meng and I had a talk
He said he hate The GazettE for a reason...
They talked too lightly of death
A disrespect he thinks. I really admire Brother Meng
He went through Depression
And now....well his doing just fine
He did 'darken' through that period
Just ask him and he can explain to you in details
If you dare.........
Well he explain that music through can affect....
ones thinking... ones feeling...
Well for your information
Satan was The Angel of Music
*On the verge of sanity abortion*
Well thats all for today byee~
Third row: Shou, Keiyuu, Miyavi, Ruki, Kaggra vocalist LOL
(Loved them most)
Nature Pleasure
Today was a sweet day.
Tuition was really fun.
Ah Leow and his joke just make me crack up like a freak.
Well one thing I learned
That academic is important
But so is your talent and skills
Well I cant really say I have a talent or skill
But I really like music
So I hope to create a skill in music soon...
I want to write really heart lifting songs like Shou-san
Scary and touching songs like Ruki-san
Happy, simple but straight to the point song like Miyavi-san
They wrote really well lyrics and I badly wanted to be like them
Maybe you would think I am over-thinking considering my age
But I think it would be nice to start when you are young
For example,
Miyavi-san started playing the guitar at 15
Then two years later he joined Due le'quartz
Which is really awesome
He learned so much in just two years
For me all I ever did was drooling at him....
And I was really jealous of Ruki at one point
I was really angry...
I was like 'Hey that guy is so cool'
He is like this really naughty boy...
Who has a cool band,
Who have one-man concert every year
And is loved by so many fans
While me a normal girl
With a normal life
Normal school
Only have a dream....
A dream to be like them
OKies I learnt it from Tora
Well anyway today
I accompanied my aunt and uncle
To a vegetarian cafe
My father came along
Well it was really nice
Eating while making small chats
Making a few small jokes
The cafe is really cosy
It's called 'Nature pleasure'
At fortune centre
So nothing went wrong today
I am glad ^^
Tuition was really fun.
Ah Leow and his joke just make me crack up like a freak.
Well one thing I learned
That academic is important
But so is your talent and skills
Well I cant really say I have a talent or skill
But I really like music
So I hope to create a skill in music soon...
I want to write really heart lifting songs like Shou-san
Scary and touching songs like Ruki-san
Happy, simple but straight to the point song like Miyavi-san
They wrote really well lyrics and I badly wanted to be like them
Maybe you would think I am over-thinking considering my age
But I think it would be nice to start when you are young
For example,
Miyavi-san started playing the guitar at 15
Then two years later he joined Due le'quartz
Which is really awesome
He learned so much in just two years
For me all I ever did was drooling at him....
And I was really jealous of Ruki at one point
I was really angry...
I was like 'Hey that guy is so cool'
He is like this really naughty boy...
Who has a cool band,
Who have one-man concert every year
And is loved by so many fans
While me a normal girl
With a normal life
Normal school
Only have a dream....
A dream to be like them
OKies I learnt it from Tora
Well anyway today
I accompanied my aunt and uncle
To a vegetarian cafe
My father came along
Well it was really nice
Eating while making small chats
Making a few small jokes
The cafe is really cosy
It's called 'Nature pleasure'
At fortune centre
So nothing went wrong today
I am glad ^^
22 November 2007
The NEOlancer
Today in the morning I went for a walk.
Then headed to the kopitiam across the road.
I was repeatedly fooled by two hawkers.
At least I had the name of one of them
'Uncle john' .....-.-
Very cute, they were really funny
We were like acting all goofy in public
And we don't give a damn
I was having a really nice feeling
I wonder why everyone in this world act so cautious
They all seem afraid to step on the wrong stone
That may ruin their reputation
They follow the flow.....
Everything, from manners to fashion
Everything in this world is too well categorized
If you are a punk you must be punkish, u must be bad
If you are a well-mannered you must listen to Beethoven, wear long dress
If you are a Goth you must be all black
So weird
Is there a catergory where you are free to think?
If there isn't....
I will start one
'The NEOlancer'
Then headed to the kopitiam across the road.
I was repeatedly fooled by two hawkers.
At least I had the name of one of them
'Uncle john' .....-.-
Very cute, they were really funny
We were like acting all goofy in public
And we don't give a damn
I was having a really nice feeling
I wonder why everyone in this world act so cautious
They all seem afraid to step on the wrong stone
That may ruin their reputation
They follow the flow.....
Everything, from manners to fashion
Everything in this world is too well categorized
If you are a punk you must be punkish, u must be bad
If you are a well-mannered you must listen to Beethoven, wear long dress
If you are a Goth you must be all black
So weird
Is there a catergory where you are free to think?
If there isn't....
I will start one
'The NEOlancer'
21 November 2007
Weird things
I said the weirdest things today -.-
My dad SMS me, using oka-san's phone
I feak and type.....
'.....are you mom....?'
And he freak...
Then just now
I said I was hungry
Then I said
'I am very hungry I need to go to the toliet....'
Weird... I never thought I like shit ><
My dad SMS me, using oka-san's phone
I feak and type.....
'.....are you mom....?'
And he freak...
Then just now
I said I was hungry
Then I said
'I am very hungry I need to go to the toliet....'
Weird... I never thought I like shit ><
18 November 2007
'Pretty Normal Day'
I went to the temple at Geylang early in the morning
and had three hours of prayers .....
Try kneeling for three hours
WITH no breakfast eaten...
Okies I am not suppose to complain...
Then I went with father to eat a Kushin-Bo
Had the sweetest Alaska crab tasted
Then catch a movie of 'Game Plan'
Very funny ^^
Well it was a 'Pretty Normal Day'
But everything is to the mind to create.....
and had three hours of prayers .....
Try kneeling for three hours
WITH no breakfast eaten...
Okies I am not suppose to complain...
Then I went with father to eat a Kushin-Bo
Had the sweetest Alaska crab tasted
Then catch a movie of 'Game Plan'
Very funny ^^
Well it was a 'Pretty Normal Day'
But everything is to the mind to create.....
16 November 2007
Miyavi new singles
It was really nice and really entertaining
Miyavi had done another good job
In fact his vocals have improve
and the rap and everything fits much better than the last one
'Neo Visualizm'
I am glad to be able to hear it the very same day it was released
14 November 2007
Well keep up with the good job Miyavi
We will always back you up
Miyavi had done another good job
In fact his vocals have improve
and the rap and everything fits much better than the last one
'Neo Visualizm'
I am glad to be able to hear it the very same day it was released
14 November 2007
Well keep up with the good job Miyavi
We will always back you up
11 November 2007
I cried
I was listening to Kra - Setsugekka and i just cried in front of my two cousins and in front of my aunt and uncle. It was embarrassing.... but I cant let it stop flowing. I was really touched by Keiyuu. His vocal was really good. The melody just flows with my mood. It was also because I was worried with my dad. I just could not stop thinking of the lonely figure of him. The disheartened soul when I told him I can't go back home with him. I am really sad. Then that cousin of mine went to criticize jrock and this song. So i cried......
04 November 2007
Concert Day
Well today was the same day slacking AND OH YAR RUNNING 0.O I ran with junjie brother, very xianz. Four round around the Queenstown complex. Lucky i Had my MP4 with me or i was sure to give up halfway. Oh i had the whole of the GazettE's new album Stack Rubbish. It was really nice. All the SONG was good but i find it was pretty messy the way they arrange the songs. It is like there is a slow song then a fast song than again another slow song. It does not help build the mood of the listener. But each song is nice. The melody itself was able to wow me. I really admire them. They really are true visual artiste. I really want to be like them. In fact i am planning to be like anyone wants to form a band with me? I have this very weird feeling when i watch their lives. It is like this mixture of excitement because they are really unpredictable, happiness because i really like their music, Belonging, weird right i felt i was one of the members and the weirdest of all, Jealous. I am really jealous of them. They have so many fans, so many lives, so many talent, so many inspiration..... Me? i cant even think of anything. Even if i come out with a cousin don't like it. They say it is too dark, too gloomy. Filled of sadness, lust, vengence and negative thinking. Well it is what i am thinking right now. I mean i can come up with happy things but the sad one pop out first. Well today i was suppose to attend a concert at Esplanade. The ~Rock A Capella~ or something. They sing a capella. I am not really a big fan of them, but why not try it right? I think they are kool creating sounds with their vocals without any need for instruments. I guess today was not a really good day for me. I was completely pissed today. Pissed at everything. I think i need to see a Shrink. lol. Or maybe Anger Management courses again. Because right now my chest feel really painful and heavy. Well i got to go already. Concert Time. LET ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SING AND FORGET YOUR WORRIES LET IT DROWN, LET IT DROWN~
03 November 2007
The GazettE - ☆BEST FRIENDS☆
This is the lyrics for best Friends
hitotsu no ookina yume ni mukai hashiri hajimeta
taisetsuna nakama ga iru kara ganbaretanta
tsuyoku ikiru shounentachi yo
hitori janai yuuki wo dashite
tsuki susunda sono saki ni wa
nakama to warai kagayaku kimi ga iru
kore kara aruku kewashii michi wa hikari ni ochita IBARA no michi da
yokumo warukumo saisho de saigo douse yaru nara yume wa kanaeru
mimamotte kureru hito no tame ni daisuki na hito ya jibunra no tame ni
ishiki no REBERU chou HIGH ni shite kyou mo aruku onore no michi
hitotsu no ookina yume ni mukai hashiri hajimeta
taisetsuna nakama ga iru kara ganbaretanta
bokura ga ima aruku michi wo
takai kabe de fusagarete mo
tomaranai sa buchikowashite
yume ni mukai susunde iku
tsuyoku ikiru shounentachi yo
hitori janai yuuki wo dashite
tsuki susunda sono saki ni wa
nakama to warai kagayaku boku ga iru
This the Translation of Best Friend
As a child, I dreamt of the future
Even now it doesn't fade, but is vivid as I look forward
So that I'd grow, I'd hold the tears in as I watched the scenery I grew
up with crush under time.
I began to run towards that one big dream
Because my good friends were with me, I did my best
Live well, young men
You're not alone, so muster your courage
Lunge forward, for right beyond this
You'll be laughing and shining with your friends
The steep path that you'll be walking will be lit, but full of thorns
Good or bad, from start to finish, you're gonna do it anyway, so make
your dream come true
For those who watch over you, for the ones you love and for yourself
Get your senses to a super high level, and walk your own path today
I began to run towards that one big dream
Because my good friends were with me, I did my best
Even if there's a high wall in our way, we're not stopping
We'll break it down and go on towards our dream
Live well, young men
You're not alone, so muster your courage
Lunge forward, for right beyond this
You'll be laughing and shining with your friends
osanakigoro yume mita mirai yosouzu wa
ima mo iroasezu azayakani mae wo muiteiru
ookikunareru you ni senobishite mita keshiki
toki ni wa kujikesouni naru keredo gutto namida koraete
osanakigoro yume mita mirai yosouzu wa
ima mo iroasezu azayakani mae wo muiteiru
ookikunareru you ni senobishite mita keshiki
toki ni wa kujikesouni naru keredo gutto namida koraete
hitotsu no ookina yume ni mukai hashiri hajimeta
taisetsuna nakama ga iru kara ganbaretanta
tsuyoku ikiru shounentachi yo
hitori janai yuuki wo dashite
tsuki susunda sono saki ni wa
nakama to warai kagayaku kimi ga iru
kore kara aruku kewashii michi wa hikari ni ochita IBARA no michi da
yokumo warukumo saisho de saigo douse yaru nara yume wa kanaeru
mimamotte kureru hito no tame ni daisuki na hito ya jibunra no tame ni
ishiki no REBERU chou HIGH ni shite kyou mo aruku onore no michi
hitotsu no ookina yume ni mukai hashiri hajimeta
taisetsuna nakama ga iru kara ganbaretanta
bokura ga ima aruku michi wo
takai kabe de fusagarete mo
tomaranai sa buchikowashite
yume ni mukai susunde iku
tsuyoku ikiru shounentachi yo
hitori janai yuuki wo dashite
tsuki susunda sono saki ni wa
nakama to warai kagayaku boku ga iru
This the Translation of Best Friend
As a child, I dreamt of the future
Even now it doesn't fade, but is vivid as I look forward
So that I'd grow, I'd hold the tears in as I watched the scenery I grew
up with crush under time.
I began to run towards that one big dream
Because my good friends were with me, I did my best
Live well, young men
You're not alone, so muster your courage
Lunge forward, for right beyond this
You'll be laughing and shining with your friends
The steep path that you'll be walking will be lit, but full of thorns
Good or bad, from start to finish, you're gonna do it anyway, so make
your dream come true
For those who watch over you, for the ones you love and for yourself
Get your senses to a super high level, and walk your own path today
I began to run towards that one big dream
Because my good friends were with me, I did my best
Even if there's a high wall in our way, we're not stopping
We'll break it down and go on towards our dream
Live well, young men
You're not alone, so muster your courage
Lunge forward, for right beyond this
You'll be laughing and shining with your friends
I went out with my aunts,uncle and grand mama. It was the usual Saturday outing at Plaza Singaura. But the problem is there could be tuition and i think i forget to go harhar... OKies never mind about that. It was really boring today... I went to Thiong bahru plaza later and yet another boring thing. I went to popular bookshop to select some assignment books. Arh.... That moment it kind of remind me of mum. Most of the time we will spend hours at Tao Payoh Hub's popular the whole day. That is how we wasted our time there. Just slacking our time there reading book and discussing about the various books we like. She like Chinese novels, I Like English novel. Even that quiet moment, we felt a sense of peace to have each other's company. Well i guess i am really alone now.... LOL Whatever... Then i went to Comics connection and guess what i saw.... Miyavi's Picture book for 2006. It contain mostly of Senor Senora Senorita Mv pictures. It was so nice ^^ I really wish one of them could come to Singapore to perform.... I mean since GazettE has been to Germany and Miyavi has been to L.A. why not come to one of the countries in South-East Asia right. Oh ya I found this book really nice. Yakuza Moon. It is really awesome. I am not going to give you spoilers. Here is where you can find this book. Harris in Orchard MRT and Thiong Barhu Popular. If there is other places please tell me. I am dying for that book.
This is Alice Nine.....
This is Alice Nine too....
02 November 2007
Choir Practise
So tired...I am so pissed with my voice today. It just won't freaking come out. Would i join the Alto's next year. That do be nice hanging out with Sharon and Chris more often....Muhaha....Anyway We are learning the Flower Duet by Charlotte Church. It was so freaking high. I nearly broke my voice. I went off-pitch many times and sounded like Ruki screaming. That would be the nicest scream. But that is not what i want. I want a solid perfect sound and i can't achieve that. Sad. I would like to try sing rock song with choral voice. I think it would sound funny but it is worth a try har. Oh i bought another diary for me to write. The other diary, i have decided would be just for the year 2007. So i have a different diary every year. ^^Well enough talk later get back to you
01 November 2007
Wah bad things
Shit i cant find my choir file die lar how leh?? I lost it just recently and bought and photocopy all the scores now i lost it again. How noob can i get?? Maybe i am like Kai very forgetful and also blur. No actually Khia Lynn is more blur lor. lol. I have to go buy again xian lar. I realise i have a lot of bad habits lor here is a list. If there is any the same as you... High Five man.
1) Screaming. I have a habit of screaming and shouting anytime, anywhere
2) Laughing. I have a problem with my laughter. I laugh like a witch or laughing in a really squeaky sound. I laugh at the slightest thing
3) I talk real loud. I have no secrets
4) I need to say at least on ~I love you~ a day
5) I like to stare at people's hair. That is becos i am trying to look for visual kei hairstyles
6)I have hearing problem. Maybe because i like blasting my music.
7) I get goosebumps when a cute girl walk past. Anti-Lesbian...I hope
8) I talk to myself (esp in front of the com like now)
9) I jam in the bathroom. The bathroom is a good place to sing, good echoing. I remember singing in the girls toilet with my choir mates (yaner, sharon and chris) to practise for an audition. FUN>.<>
10) I sleep in the bathroom. Early in the morning. While trying to shit i fell asleep. I woke because of the smell. LOL
This are my top ten bad habits....
1) Screaming. I have a habit of screaming and shouting anytime, anywhere
2) Laughing. I have a problem with my laughter. I laugh like a witch or laughing in a really squeaky sound. I laugh at the slightest thing
3) I talk real loud. I have no secrets
4) I need to say at least on ~I love you~ a day
5) I like to stare at people's hair. That is becos i am trying to look for visual kei hairstyles
6)I have hearing problem. Maybe because i like blasting my music.
7) I get goosebumps when a cute girl walk past. Anti-Lesbian...I hope
8) I talk to myself (esp in front of the com like now)
9) I jam in the bathroom. The bathroom is a good place to sing, good echoing. I remember singing in the girls toilet with my choir mates (yaner, sharon and chris) to practise for an audition. FUN>.<>
10) I sleep in the bathroom. Early in the morning. While trying to shit i fell asleep. I woke because of the smell. LOL
This are my top ten bad habits....
On the First of November
LoL. It is boring. Well actually not really lar. I went to queensway and bought a shoe. Adidas Orion. Pretty nice but not what i would love. I bought because it is just right for school and casual wear. I saw the Limited Edition ones ...arh... Subarashi >.<. There is one where the whole thing is filled with golden Chinese flower printing. Pretty very PRETTY. There is another with roses on black leather. Mine is kool. It is purple very common but am cool. I hardly buy Adidas. I usually look for nike. But whatever brand it is. It is nice i buy as long it is within budget. I don't like those people with a lot of branded stuff. It makes the whole image fake. They may find it glamorous but i don't think so. I prefer someone who wears it casual and comfortable. So if you ask me what kind of people i like to hangout with? People who do not have any agenda or cunning. Someone carefree and does not care about other's status and accept who they are. Yea as long someone carefree and .... happy thats right. I tell you I recently very unlucky lor. Yesterday i was taking the MRT to Jurong Point. And saw this advertisement of a band. I was like thinking is that a visual kei and without realising i bang against the pole when the train jerk and a group of boys from SOME SCHOOL LAUGH AT ME *trying to refrain from pointing middle finger* So not gentlemen. What is wrong with nowdays boys and man? I realised they are much more a spendthrift that ladies. In fact they can compete with the girls (the number of hours in the toilet competition). Ridiculous!! They spend so much time in the toilet styling their hair!! I mean yes spiking hair and all that is nice but hey not that long man. come up with a standard design that you think fit you and use for a few months or what. I keepseeing them change, then change another way, slope another, spike it another way man i was like ROFL le. Of all the hair i see i like Miyavi's hair in ~kekkonshiki No Uta~ and Ruki's hair in ~zakuro gata no yuutsu~ I like all of Aoi's hair and Kai's accept in Stacked Rubbish. No wavy hair for Kai... I think the hairstylist of all visual kei band are gods man. They are really pro man. They can really think of really funky, punky, elegant styles that fits the outfits and the mood of the song. Oh one thing is very funny RUKI'S ENGLISH SUCK LIKE SHIT FROM PIGS. lol really i swear. You don't believe me listen to ~Carry~ and ~Silly God Disco~ I laugh like shit. His pronunciation is really weird especially the word enjoying very funny. Unidentified words haha. Oh ya i heard Aoi sing not bad quite nice. I also forget to tell you something! How can i forget i am so BLUR stupid of me!! I have this video ~Peace and Smile Company Tour Finale~ Very nice. It totally RAWKS. There is Alice Nine, Kaggra, Kra, The GazettE and last but not least Miyavi. It is so nice. Here is the Video...It is really nice i cant stop watching it. You can watch in youtube. i show you here will take a long time to upload lor. Well i need to go le sleep sleep. Oyasuminasai
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