I was like so pissed with Yoshiki
He actually broke a brand new drum set
It totally broke the image of a rocker
He is like on some drugs
And it truly makes me shudder
I mean no one should break their drums
And to be honest S.K.I.N concert is not really nice
Unlike the other band that I have seen
They like do not have the bonding, kizuna
Unlike The GazettE, Alice nine, Kra and SID
That is what they lack....after all they are all soloist
For a pretty long time
I would not be surprise if Miyavi has forgotten about Due le Quartz
Or Gackt has forgotten his time in Malice Mizer
Or Yoshiki has to X Japan and Sugizo to Luna Sea
Maybe it was because I was not use to this....
Kind of *too wild* Rock Concert
But whatever it is I will feel really uncomfortable if i attended
Partly because I hate it when violence took place,
And because I am looking at someone who seriously
Looked like he ate a packet of drugs...or something
I was also really mad at Yoshiki
Because just his action has brought a bad reputation To ROCK genre
People may use him and judge that rock is not a good thing
Because I myself was shocked....
If I ever want to be a rockstar....
I will never learn from them....I will probably learn from Mayday
Afterall they were the one who taught me rock is a....
Form of expression Not a form of violence
I will learn from Alice Nine, Kra and Uverworld for lyrics
The GazettE and SID for visual style
Kaya, 12012 and antic cafe for fashion style
I will not and never touch anything that
Relates me to touch anything harmful
Causing to lose the trust of my fans
I will............................................
Lead my fans to a good path
Become one with my members and fans
This is what a good rocker is....
Some times I will add a few songs that was inspired from My feelings
That is all .... NO DRUGS MAN
Yoshiki, you are going nuts...X japan *shudder*
Now I have doubts weather Hide-san did sucidal
He creepy person bash his drum set
Better make sure Kai and Nao does not....
Bash drums ....Or I will so be out of Jrock

27 November 2007
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